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New Patients: Welcome to Tassell Chiropractic Tasmania!

You’ll be warmly welcomed when you arrive at Tassell Chiropractic Tasmania. We want to make sure you feel right at home!

Your First Visit

New patients

Everyone is welcome at Tassell Chiropractic Tasmania!

The first time you visit us, we’ll want to determine whether you are a good candidate for chiropractic. You’ll be greeted and escorted back to our consulting room where you’ll complete some brief new patient paperwork.

Our chiropractor, Dr Leisa Tassell, will want to learn what brought you to us and a little bit more about what you’re experiencing, to determine whether she may be able to help. Dr Leisa will also discuss with you your goals for your care.

After taking a detailed history, Dr Leisa will thoroughly examine your spine, looking for any misaligned vertebrae. She will record baseline measurements so that your progress can be more easily tracked. She may want you to have X-rays or additional examinations before treatment, depending on your condition. By the end of this visit, you’ll have a good idea about whether chiropractic treatment is right for you. If you are a good candidate for chiropractic, you may even receive your first adjustment from Dr Leisa during this first visit.

Your Second Visit

When you return to us for your second visit, Dr Leisa will review with you your medical history, your X-rays, the findings from your examination and any other pertinent information that was uncovered during your first visit.

If you and Dr Leisa believe that chiropractic care is an appropriate solution for you, you’ll be given the option to begin treatment.

Regular Visits

Once you begin treatment, your chiropractic visits will take less time than the two initial appointments. At each visit, you’ll receive your adjustment, and Dr Leisa will check for certain key indicators that will help assess your progress.

You will never have more than 12 adjustments in a row without having your spine re-examined for changes, positive or negative.

Three Stages of Care

Many patients have heard that, once they begin chiropractic care they will have to continue treatment for life. Your care is completely in your hands — you decide whether to seek treatment, and Dr Leisa respects your decision. You will never be forced to receive care that you don’t want.

Whether you choose to receive adjustments or not, we do recommend regular checks of your spine to determine that everything is in good working order. Just as your dentist checks your teeth regularly to identify potential problems, so should your chiropractor assess the health of your spine. Your visits will look different depending on your stage of care.

Stage One

While the ultimate goal with any patient is to focus on wellness care, we must first eliminate dis-ease. The initial stage of care focuses on relieving a patient’s symptoms in the shortest time possible. We want to get to the cause of the problem, examining the spine thoroughly so that we can accurately and objectively measure your progress.

During your initial visit, Dr Leisa will use the findings from your history, consultation, examination and X-rays to shape your treatment plan. Details about your lifestyle and daily stressors will provide her with more information to better refine your plan. We have no standard plan – each treatment plan is as individual as the patient receiving it.

Your first few appointments will typically last a bit longer to allow you to ask questions and for Dr Leisa to help familiarise you with your spine and its care. She wants to ensure that your condition has been thoroughly explored and explained.

Stage Two

The second stage of your care centers on improving your spine. Using the baseline measurements obtained in Stage One, Dr Leisa will revisit trouble areas looking for improvements. Normally, the improvements seen at this stage go beyond the relief of symptoms and are more corrective in nature.

Stage Three

Once you’ve reached the third stage of care, the focus is solidly on producing changes in your spine that are clearly visible in X-rays. This stage is corrective in nature and is aimed at achieving long-term wellness.

You are in charge of your body, your health and your future. Your job is to decide what your care will look like, and ours is to provide the finest quality chiropractic care available. Please contact us today to learn more about how Tassell Chiropractic Tasmania may be able to help you achieve your healthcare goals!


Tassell Chiropractic Tasmania | 0422 258 264